Dutch melodic hardcore quintet formation named I’ll Get By from Utrecht, the Netherlands released their latest music video entitled Useless. We made an interview with the band about their song and the music video they made for it.
How was the song born?
Jesse: Our guitarist, Wessel wrote a song and made a demo, I recorded vocals for it, and after that the song was pretty much done. Sometimes songs can take months to finish but this one was done pretty fast.
Where did you gain inspiration for it?
Wessel: Our main inspiration comes from the band Counterparts. The way they blend songwriting with heavy riffs and stellar choruses still amazes me every single day. Other inspirations are La Dispute, Casey and Landscapes.
To whom do you recommend it, and along with what kind of thoughts?
Jesse: I recommend our music to metalcore/post-hardcore fans who are looking for songs to listen to when going through a hard time.
What is the reception of the song like?
Jesse: So far I think almost everyone agrees that Useless might be our best song so far.
What kind of feedbacks have you received about it?
Jesse: People think the chorus sounds beautiful and that we should keep making more songs like Useless.
Wessel: When comparing Useless to our EP from 2019 called ‘Tiny Room‘, it’s a pretty huge difference. The breakdowns and riffs hit harder and the melodic choruses are bigger and with more clean vocals (which you can expect from our upcoming music as well!)
Where did you shoot the music video?
Jesse: We collected random footage us rehearsing and recording and made a music video out of it.
What was the shooting like?
Jesse: There was no real shooting, just the footage recorded on our phones.
Wessel: We’re always having fun as a band and you can definitely see that in the music video. So what was the shooting like? Lots of fun!